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UNIMAGINED - a Muslim boy meets the West

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« Virtual Book Tour: 'Resolution 786' by Mohamed Mughal | Main | Pakistan's nukes are safe and secure -- but quite unnecessary »

March 30, 2010



A wonderful, funny read as always (and a much appreciated distraction from uni work!) Was the water dispenser really an exhibit? Congrats on the job- I hope that doesn't mean you will be putting further writing on hold though.

Mike Allen

Hi Imran - you really do have a talent for humour and observation - great read. I think I am smwhat jealous, even though I have job (for now!) and a rather lovely partner

Hope he job thing goes well!

Mike A

Ivan Hancock

I enjoyed the run through your experiences at the Dubai Festival - what an adventure and the pictures reflect your own enthusiasm. It's all a long way from the polished wooden floors of school.

Ivan 'Nev' Hancock (proudly of page 70)

P.S. I still remember the oddity and history that was the school 'Wargaming Society' and surrenders in time for tea.

Ahsan Ali

Good to have you at the Lit Fest in Dubai. Your session was spell-binding! :)

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