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UNIMAGINED - a Muslim boy meets the West

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December 06, 2009



What a wonderfully inspiring article - thank you Imran. Would love you to contribute this article for our readers at and share with more people.

Imran Ahmad

Dear Nicola,

Thank you for your kind words.

I note that 'The Gin Lady' refers to Green, Independent and Natural, and not to the forbidden (to me) mood-altering drink of the same name.

I love your website!

You are more than welcome to link/lift this article for 'The Gin Lady'.

I believe that we are all part of the same global movement, committed to peace, compassion, responsibility, and care for our precious Earth.



curtis johnson realty

Having a classroom that is functional yet doesn't require a lot of financing because the materials are just available around, this is really a great project. Looking after the welfare of man and the environment is a call for all of us. Thanks a lot for the initiative. I adore your creativity.

renee cope

your article and reviews about green school is excellent. how i'd love to have your experiences as well!!

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