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UNIMAGINED - a Muslim boy meets the West

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« Imran Ahmad (who?) at the Cambridge Union Society | Main | Sydney Writers’ Festival: The Governor and the Canapé »

February 08, 2008


allyson rowen taylor

You may have a moderate interpretation of Sharia law, however,recent news events, such as the twins who will be stoned in Iran, and the Teddy Bear incident are not by uneducated poor tribals, it is mainstream. I wish your intrepretation was the one used, however, it is the exception rather than the rule. Islam needs a reformation, just as Christianity and Judiasm went through, but if the Queran is the word of Allah, how can it be done without a global war?

Imran Ahmad

Dear Allyson,

The Islamic world does need a Reformation, that is absolutely true.

But your comments are not entirely consistent with an understanding of what I have written.

Best regards,


Sally Welham

Dear Imran, only just got round to reading this. I think you echo the views of a lot of Muslims in this country and it is a shame the comments were taken out of context and blown out of proportion by media hype.
many people forget that we have had Muslims living in this country for years now and most of the time we get along just fine until a politician or a newshound get in on the act.

When will we see another book?


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